Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝ Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝
Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝ Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝ Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝
Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝
Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝
Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝
Nelson Offley. NO YOGA ➝ Pomona California ➝ Movement. Balance. Breath. ➝
Through unexpected inspiration
I started a daily Yoga practice and eventually did my 200Hr Yoga Teacher training with Aligned Yoga.
Yoga has given me a lot, I've met amazing people, gone on trips to beautiful places,
and am able to be more present and loving in my life off the mat.
My goal is to share some of the cool life changing things I've gotten from the practice , and leave you with new ideas about what a Yoga and Mediation practice can look like.